EDI 840 - Request for Quotation

What is the EDI 840? The EDI 840, also known as the Request for Quotation (RFQ), is used by buyers to request pricing and other information from suppliers for products or services.

EDI Documents

EDI 840 format

Visualization of EDI 852 Format

Below are key elements of EDI 840 format:

BQT: Beginning segment for request for quotation—This segment provides the RFQ number, date and other identifying information.


REF: Reference identification—This segment provides additional reference numbers from customers or suppliers.

PER: Administrative communications contact—This segment specifies the contact information for individuals involved in the RFQ process.

DTM: Date/time reference—This segment specifies dates and times relevant to the RFQ, such as the response due date.

N1/N2/N3/N4: Additional name information, address information and geographic location—This segment identifies the parties involved in the transaction, using standardized codes and provides additional identification and location details for the parties involved.

ITD: Terms of sale/deferred terms of sale—This segment specifies the terms of sale, payment terms and any discounts.

FOB: FOB-related instructions—This segment provides information on the Free on Board (FOB) terms.

IT1: Baseline item data (invoice)—This segment details the products or services being requested, including item identification, quantity, unit of measure and descriptions.

PID/MEA: Product-item description and measurements—This segment provides additional descriptions and details for each line item. It includes measurement details such as dimensions, weights, or volumes of the items. identification, quantity, unit of measure and descriptions.

PWK: Paperwork—This segment specifies any paperwork or documentation required with the RFQ.

PKG: Marking, packaging and loading—This segment provides packaging, marking and loading instructions.

TAX: Tax reference—This segment contains tax information related to the RFQ.

CTT: Transaction totals—This segment contains the transaction totals, such as the number of line items and total quantities requested.

How is the EDI 840 used?

The EDI 840 serves as a formal inquiry that helps buyers gather detailed quotations, including prices, terms of sale and delivery information, before making purchasing decisions. This transaction set ensures that all necessary information for evaluating supplier offers is accurately and efficiently communicated. After receiving the EDI 840, the recipient must respond by sending the EDI 843, which is known as the Response to Request for Quotation.

Benefits of using an EDI 840

There are many benefits that stem from using the EDI 840, more than just requesting quotations. Automating the exchange of RFQ data makes the whole process more efficient and accurate. This also decreases the need for manual data entry and minimizes errors. These benefits aid in faster response times, allowing parties to make more informed and timely decisions.

By providing a reliable and standardized method for communicating RFQ information, the EDI 840 helps to build and strengthen relationships between trading partners. Less manual processing means more resources. With the trust and collaboration built from reliability, both parties can be confident in the quality of the data being exchanged.

Common issues regarding EDI 840

Data accuracy and completeness:

Ensuring that the data included in the EDI 840 request is accurate and complete is crucial. Any errors or omissions can lead to miscommunications and incorrect quotations from suppliers.

Integration with existing systems:

Integrating the EDI 840 transaction set with existing ERP, procurement and inventory management systems can be complex. Ensuring seamless integration is essential to avoid data silos and ensure efficient data flow.

Timely responses from suppliers:

Ensuring timely responses can be challenging. Delays in receiving the EDI 843 responses can slow the procurement process and affect overall supply chain efficiency.

Automate EDI 840 with Full-Service EDI from SPS Commerce

Using your on-site manual resources to manage ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your EDI solution. SPS Commerce helps buyers by setting up this transaction so that they can be efficient with their time and redirect their focus to growing the business and providing better customer service.

A full-service provider, like SPS Commerce, has an expert team that handles ongoing management of your EDI solution.

The SPS team actively manages 9,000 changes from retailers each year. SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts. SPS also takes ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes.

SPS Fulfillment proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to prevent errors and minimize data entry. Interested in learning more about our EDI solution?

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