EDI 867 - Product Transfer and Resale Report

What is the EDI 867? The EDI 867, also known as the Product Transfer and Resale Report, is used by manufacturers and suppliers to communicate sales information to partners or within their organizations.

EDI Documents

The EDI 867 format

The EDI 867 provides detailed information about products that have been sold, transferred or are in inventory. It can include data on the quantities, locations and parties involved.

The EDI 867 format by SPS Commerce

Here are some of the key segments that might be found in an EDI 867 document:

BPT: Beginning segment for product transfer and resale report

Indicates the start of the EDI 867 document and contains information such as report type, report date and report number.

DTM: Date/time reference

Used to specify pertinent dates and times for the report.

PER: Contact information

This segment is critical in ensuring that there is a clear point of contact for any queries regarding the routing instructions conveyed in the EDI document.

PTD: Product transfer detail

Provides information about the product transfers, including the type of transfer and the status.

N1: Name

Identifies the parties involved in the transactions.

LIN: Item identification

Used to identify the product being reported on, often by providing an item identifier, such as a UPC code or manufacturer’s part number.

QTY: Quantity information

Specifies the quantity of the items being reported.

AMT: Monetary amount information

May be used to indicate the monetary amount related to the reported transactions, such as sales revenue or cost.

How is the EDI 867 used?

Communicating sales and inventory data:
The primary use of the EDI 867 is to communicate detailed information about product sales, transfers and inventory levels. This information is shared between manufacturers, suppliers and retailers.
It’s used for reporting purposes, providing a comprehensive overview of the product movement within a certain period. This includes sales to end-customers, transfers between different locations and inventory status.
Compliance and accuracy:
For many trading partners, the use of the EDI 867 is a requirement for doing business. This ensures that all parties are compliant with agreed-upon standards and have access to accurate, shared data.

Benefits of using an EDI 867 Product Transfer and Release Report


Enhanced visibility:

One of the primary benefits of using the EDI 867 is the enhanced visibility it provides into product movement and inventory levels.


Improved efficiency:

Automating the transfer of sales and inventory data through the EDI 867 reduces manual data entry errors and speeds up information exchange, leading to improved operational efficiency.


Inventory management:

By receiving accurate and timely data on product sales and inventory levels, companies can better manage their inventory, reducing the risk of stockouts or excess inventory.


Data-driven decision-making:

The detailed information provided by the EDI 867 allows businesses to analyze sales trends, evaluate product performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their supply chain.


Cost reduction:

Improved efficiency and inventory management ultimately lead to cost reductions through minimized errors, reduced levels of excess stock and supply chain optimization.


Strengthened partnerships:

The standardized format of the EDI 867 promotes consistency and reliability in business transactions, which can help strengthen partnerships between manufacturers, suppliers and retailers.

Common issues regarding the EDI 867

Common issues with the EDI 867 can range from technical problems to operational challenges. These issues can affect the efficiency of the supply chain and the accuracy of the data exchanged between trading partners.


Data Quality and Accuracy:

Issues like incomplete or incorrect data and discrepancies between reported and actual sales or inventory data can lead to confusion and errors in decision-making.


Integration and Compatibility:

Challenges arise from integrating EDI 867 into existing systems, especially when dealing with version mismatches and system incompatibilities.


Timeliness and Synchronization:

Delayed transmissions and synchronization issues can disrupt planning and result in decisions based on outdated information.


Compliance and Standardization:

Adhering to EDI standards and customizing documents to meet specific business needs can be complex, especially when dealing with multiple trading partners.

Automate EDI 867 Product Transfer and Resale Report with SPS Commerce

Managing ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your EDI solution.

SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts. Our team takes ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes. We actively manage 9,000 changes from retailers each year.

Our full-service team also proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to minimize keystrokes and data entry.

Interested in learning more about our EDI solution?

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EDI Glossary

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