EDI 870 - Order Status Report

What is the EDI 870? The EDI 870, also called the Order Status Report, is used by sellers to communicate order status to buyers. Depending on the needs of the trading partners, this can include updates on the entire order, individual line items or specific products. Sellers use the EDI 870 as a response to the EDI 869.

EDI Documents

EDI 870 format

The EDI 870 is vital for providing visibility into the order fulfillment process, enabling buyers to manage their inventory and sales expectations more effectively.

The EDI 870 format by SPS Commerce

Here’s a basic outline of the format and key components included in an EDI 870 transaction set:


Reference identification:

Provides reference numbers or identifiers related to the order, such as the purchase order number, invoice number or contract number.

Date/time reference:

Specifies dates and times relevant to the transaction, such as the expected ship date, actual ship date or delivery date.

Order information detail:

Provides detailed information about the status of the entire order or specific line items. This can include quantities shipped, backordered or cancelled.

Item identification:

Provides details about the specific items within the order, including item numbers, descriptions and quantity ordered, shipped or canceled.

Terms of sale/deferred terms of sale:

Information on terms and conditions related to the sale, such as payment terms.

Carrier details:

Information about the transportation carrier used for the shipment, including carrier codes and shipment method.

Message text:

Optional segment for additional information, instructions or comments related to the order status.

Transaction totals:

Summary information for the transaction, such as the total number of line items reported and total quantities.

How is the EDI 870 used?

The EDI 870 transaction set is used by suppliers to provide their customers or trading partners with updates about the status of their orders.

This includes information on:

Order fulfillment status:
Indicates whether the order has been shipped, is partially filled, backordered or canceled.
Shipment details:
Provides information about shipped items, including quantities and shipment dates.
Backorder information:
Details on items not yet shipped, including expected shipment dates.
Cancellation details:
Information on any items or orders that have been canceled.

Benefits of using an EDI 870 Order Status Report

The use of the EDI 870 transaction set offers several key benefits to the supply chain, contributing to enhanced operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and strategic decision-making:


Improved visibility and transparency:

The EDI 870 enhances visibility across the supply chain by providing timely updates on order status. This transparency helps trading partners better manage their inventory, anticipate delays and adjust their plans accordingly.

Increased operational efficiency:

Automating the exchange of order status information reduces the need for manual checks and follow-ups. This streamlines operations, reduces the risk of errors and saves time.

Enhanced customer service:

With accurate and timely order status information, companies can provide better service to their customers. This includes proactively addressing potential delays, adjusting inventory levels and improving overall communication.

Better inventory management:

Knowing the status of orders helps companies manage their inventory more effectively. This can lead to reduced inventory carrying costs, optimized stock levels and improved fulfillment rates.

Informed decision-making:

Access to detailed order status information supports strategic decision-making. Companies can analyze trends, identify bottlenecks and make informed decisions about suppliers, inventory strategies and customer commitments.

Common issues regarding EDI 870

Order Updates

Was Is the order on-track to ship with all items? Where is the order in the fulfillment?

Vendor Responsiveness

Is the vendor providing visibility to pending orders? Did they receive the EDI 869?

Inventory Availability

Are the quantities ordered available from the vendor’s inventory?

Automate 870 EDI Order Status Report

Sellers can easily and proactively respond to a trading partner’s question via email, text or phone call about the status of their order by using the EDI 870. The transaction can be setup by SPS Commerce’s EDI experts to go out automatically at predefined times or processing points to inform your retailer with the latest order details.

Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and staff who manage the day-to-day operations of your EDI relationships, including making sure the EDI 870 and other transactions are setup to provide the details your trading partners require.

We have retail experts ready to address any EDI needs and ensure that your orders and updates flow seamlessly to and from your customers.

We don’t just monitor your EDI flow; we manage connectivity, setup, compliance, changes and support. And, if anything changes, SPS is in charge of understanding the updated EDI requirements and making map changes, not you.

SPS Commerce Fulfillment proactively monitors and optimizes your EDI and other data transactions such as APIs, to minimize manual processes and save you time.

Interested in learning more?

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EDI Glossary

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