EDI 889 - Promotion Announcement

What is the EDI 889? The EDI 889, also known as the Promotion Announcement transaction set, is used to communicate promotional information between trading partners, such as manufacturers and retailers.

EDI Documents

EDI 889 format

Visualization of EDI 852 Format

The EDI 889 includes these structured segments:

Header: Document ID. Creation date/time. Reference numbers.

Promotion details: Promotion code. Description. Start/end dates.

Item details: Item number. Description. Promotion price/discount. Quantity limits.

Additional info: Eligibility criteria. Exclusions.

Footer: Total items. Summary. Contact info

How is the EDI 889 used?

The EDI 889 is used by businesses to notify their partners that there are promotions on certain products.

For example, if an umbrella supplier produces too many umbrellas, they’ll need to sell them at a lower price. The EDI 889 is how they inform their trading partners of the promotional price and adjust the billing accordingly.


  • Vendors
  • Bill-to parties


  • Promotion/price list numbers
  • Descriptions
  • Dates
  • Allowances or charges (e.g., codes, handling methods, rates, quantities, totals)
  • Names and codes of entities
  • Free-form descriptions
  • Line-item totals


  • Ensure all promotional details are accounted for

Benefits of using the EDI 889

The EDI 889 offers numerous benefits for managing promotional information.


Improved accuracy: Reduces human error, ensuring accurate and consistent promotional details.


Enhanced efficiency: Streamlines sharing, saving time and reducing manual effort.


Cost savings: Cuts administrative costs by automating data exchange.


Faster processing: Enables quicker implementation and response to promotions.


Improved communication: Ensures clear and consistent promotional details, reducing misunderstandings.

Common issues regarding the EDI 889

Data accuracy and completeness
It’s critical to avoid misunderstandings and ineffective promotions.
Standard compliance
Complex adherence to EDI standards is required to prevent transaction errors.
Integration with internal systems
There can be challenges in customizing the EDI 889 to fit into your ERP or CRM systems.
Communication issues
There’s a need for reliable, secure channels to avoid disruptions.
Error handling
It’s essential to have robust procedures to maintain data integrity.
Prepare strong measures to protect sensitive promotional information.
Cost and resource allocation
Significant investment in EDI infrastructure and ongoing support is required for success.

Automate 889 Promotion Announcement with Full-Service EDI

Using an EDI 889 to automate the exchange of promotion information takes the guesswork out of the process and delivers a systemic announcement of sales promotions to all parties. Instead of submitting deal or allowance changes to a buyer via phone or email, the EDI 889 ensures timely and traceable communication.

Our experts are always available to address any EDI questions or needs. We are here to make sure promotion announcements and changes flow seamlessly to trading partners.

Our full-service commitment gives sellers the freedom to focus on other areas of the business. Every day, our teams watch the EDI data flow, troubleshoot any issues and manage every step. If something changes, we make any adjustments needed.

SPS Commerce Fulfillment proactively automates EDI and other data transactions. With SPS overseeing your EDI operations, communicating your promotions just became a lot easier? Interested in learning more?

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EDI Glossary

Terminology including retail definitions, order management models, supply chain roles, software and distribution channels.

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