Benefits of using an EDI 889 Promotion Announcement
The EDI 889 provides an efficient way for sellers (or brokers) to make buyers aware of available promotion information, including effective dates, special terms (if any), performance conditions, allowance amounts and qualifying products. Sellers and brokers may also use the EDI 889 during the planning process to correlate specific promotions for allocated marketing funds.
Suppliers send Promotion Announcements to keep their trading partners up-to-date on any changes to the original promotion or deal or covey new options available. Suppliers benefit by using the EDI 889 to:
Announce sales promotions
Confirm the acceptance of a promotion by a seller
Communicate price reductions to the buyer
Convey time-sensitive data related to promotions, deals and allowance
The key data elements included in an EDI 889 are:
Effective dates
Special terms information (if any)
Performance conditions and requirements
Allowance amounts
Qualifying items
Common issues regarding EDI 889
Communicating the latest details or cancellation of promotion information is key to the trading relationship. Timely and traceable updates are needed. Buyers and sellers rely on this information and, if not in sync, promotions will not reap results and/or bring about friction between trading partners.
Promotion Changes
Was the data change of the promotion conveyed adequately to the retailer? Did the conversation on this topic get documented correctly?
Promotion Cancellations
How will a retailer know the previously communicated allowance is no longer available?
Announce New Options
Does the retailer know about the latest promotion options?
Automate 889 Promotion Announcement with Full-Service EDI
Using an EDI 889 to automate the exchange of promotion information takes the guesswork out of the process and delivers a systemic announcement of sales promotions to all parties. Instead of submitting deal or allowance changes to a buyer via phone or email, the EDI 889 ensures timely and traceable communication.
Our experts are always available to address any EDI questions or needs. We are here to make sure promotion announcements and changes flow seamlessly to trading partners.
Our full-service commitment gives sellers the freedom to focus on other areas of the business. Every day, our teams watch the EDI data flow, troubleshoot any issues and manage every step. If something changes, we make any adjustments needed.
SPS Commerce Fulfillment proactively automates EDI and other data transactions. With SPS overseeing your EDI operations, communicating your promotions just became a lot easier? Interested in learning more?
Automatically communicate promotion changes with buyers.
Save time and keep data integrity with your buyers. Start here.
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Additional EDI Resources
Enter a virtual library of information about EDI for suppliers, vendors and distributors to provide you with the product knowledge you need to power your business.
Ultimate List of EDI Transactions
Here are some of the most common documents and transactions that are supported through EDI automation.
Five Top EDI Documents to Automate
When you automate your most-used EDI documents, it can significantly cut down keystrokes and speed up processes.
EDI Glossary
Terminology including retail definitions, order management models, supply chain roles, software and distribution channels.
EDI for Suppliers & Vendors
Discover how leading vendor and supplier businesses are serving their customers better with EDI solutions from SPS Commerce.