EDI 943 - Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipping Advice

What is the EDI 943? The EDI 943 transaction set, also called the Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice, is used by a supplier to inform a warehouse of a shipment’s contents. This transaction is primarily used in a 3PL context where products are being moved from the supplier’s facility to a warehouse.

The EDI 943 allows the warehouse to prepare for incoming goods by providing details about the products in the shipment. This enables better planning and allocation of warehouse resources.

EDI Documents

EDI 943 format

The EDI 943 format by SPS Commerce

Here’s a basic outline of the format and key components included in an EDI 943 transaction set:


Beginning segment for warehouse stock transfer shipment advice:

This segment includes basic information such as the transaction set identifier, date and shipment identification number.

Date/time reference:

Specifies dates and times relevant to the transaction.

Shipper/consignee identification:

Identifies the parties involved in the shipment, including the shipper (supplier) and consignee (warehouse).

Carrier details:

Information about the transportation carrier used for the shipment, including carrier codes and shipment method.

Shipment details:

Detailed information about the shipment, including quantity, weight and physical dimensions of the goods being shipped.

Item identification:

Details about the specific items being shipped, including item numbers, descriptions and quantities.

Reference identification:

Additional reference numbers or identifiers that may be needed for processing or tracking the shipment.

Transaction totals:

Summary information for the transaction, such as the total number of line items and total quantity shipped.

Closing segment:

Indicates the end of the transaction set.

How is the EDI 943 used?

The EDI 943 is used when a supplier needs to communicate the contents of an upcoming shipment to a warehouse.

This communication is essential for:

Informing the warehouse:
It provides the warehouse with detailed information about the products being shipped, including item identifications, quantities and expected arrival times.
Preparation and planning:
The warehouse uses this information to prepare for the incoming shipment. This preparation can include allocating the necessary space, scheduling labor for unloading and stocking and planning for further distribution or storage.
Inventory management:
The EDI 943 helps update inventory records by providing details about the transferred stock, thus maintaining accurate inventory levels.

Benefits of using an EDI 943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipping Advice

Implementing the EDI Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipping Advice benefits both the sender and the receiver. Many of these benefits depend on how automated and integrated the transaction is for both parties.


Improved efficiency:

Automating shipment detail communication reduces manual data entry and the risk of errors. It allows for faster processing and handling of shipments, which can speed up supply chain processes.

Better planning and resource allocation:

By receiving advanced notice of shipments, warehouses can plan better for labor and space requirements, reducing bottlenecks and optimizing resource utilization.

Enhanced visibility:

The EDI 943 contributes to supply chain visibility by providing detailed information about goods in transit. This visibility is crucial for managing lead times, forecasting demand, and reducing inventory carrying costs.

Increased accuracy:

Automating the exchange of shipment information reduces the potential for data entry errors, leading to more accurate inventory and shipment records.

Strengthened partner relationships:

Efficient and accurate communication strengthens the relationship between suppliers and warehouses, leading to smoother operations and more business opportunities.

Automate Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipping Advice with Full-Service EDI from SPS Commerce

Managing ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your EDI solution.

A full-service provider, like SPS Commerce, has an expert team that handles ongoing management of your EDI solution so you can prevent EDI errors and chargebacks.

SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts. Our team takes ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes. We actively manage 9,000 changes from retailers each year.

Our full-service team also proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to minimize keystrokes and data entry.

Interested in learning more about our EDI solution?

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