Reap the rewards of automation with EDI for JD Edwards from SPS Commerce.
SPS Commerce has a longstanding relationship with Oracle JD Edwards and leverages Oracle’s application integration architecture to ensure seamless integration. Our JD Edwards EDI integration solution allows for direct integration and transaction automation with JD Edwards system 47 tables.
Get clear, simple answers to all your questions about integrated EDI for JD Edwards.
No sales pressure. No commitment.

Connect to all trading partners
Decrease manual entry
Full EDI trading partner compliance
Boost inventory accuracy & sales
Choose the industry’s most complete Oracle JD Edwards EDI solution.
Invest in growth, not more data entry. The SPS Commerce Fulfillment EDI for JD Edwards and Oracle connects to other digital technologies and systems with an innovative approach to automation, enabling your company to work smarter, faster, more productively and, ultimately, save thousands in staffing costs.
Exchange sales orders and invoices
Warehouse shipments & other documents
Advance ship notices
“We moved our EDI operations to SPS Commerce and began using the SPS Fulfillment solution with a JD Edwards system connection. They provide the services we need and we never worry when a customer makes a request. It’s taken care of by SPS.”
– Naomi Dwyer, VP of information technology of Rapala USA
Pre-configured for all order management models or as a custom solution based on your unique fulfillment requirements.
Managing ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your Oracle JD Edwards EDI solution. Here are some common EDI responsibilities and how different types of providers handle them:
Full-Service EDI Providers
Managed EDI Service Providers
A full-service, universal, reusable connection that delivers greater functionality with less cost and risk than traditional EDI software.

Consistency that happens automatically
Eliminate the need to create unique EDI maps for each transaction, or customer, combination. The SPS Commerce full-service JD Edwards EDI integration includes this process as a part of your subscription. Our EDI experts take care of all the mapping and updates needed for you and all you trading partners.
Process orchestration for your unique requirements
With our JD Edwards EDI solution, many of your existing processes can be automated, using and applying business rules unique to your organization. Instead of spending time extracting, translating and loading data, automate the process and gain new capabilities of validating and enriching the information.
Experience better performance at a lower cost
Reduce initial and ongoing operational costs with our Oracle JD Edwards EDI solution. Put an end to ongoing troubleshooting and minimize chargebacks by sending the right data at the right time.
Get greater functionality at scale
One connection that empowers you to automate processes and do more business with more trading partners. Deploy new customers faster than ever with a system that is already prewired to over 1,500 retailers and growing.
Redirect your human workflow to operational excellence
After your processes are automated, everything that’s accurate carries through the system flawlessly, and your staff is only left to manage the errors and exceptions. Use dashboards as well as automated communications and alerts to let you know something is wrong so you can pinpoint where to direct your efforts. Once the problem is solved, transaction re-processing is a breeze.
Gain visibility where you need it most – everywhere
Empower staff with the information they need with role-based access. The SPS EDI solution enables IT personnel to see every EDI transaction and document, as well as how information is flowing through the system. Give customer service just the info they need to answer questions about orders and transactions. With all the information at their fingertips, your employees can do their best work
The only full-service, fully automated EDI solution for Oracle’s JD Edwards you’ll ever need…
Market-leading, battle-tested, proven technology
A reliable team of technology experts to make it work
Ongoing support to keep it running smoothly
Get started with an automated Oracle JD Edwards EDI solution with SPS Commerce
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