Looking for SAP HANA EDI integration? Our proven solution can help.
With SAP S/4HANA EDI integration from SPS Commerce, you’ll have everything you need to automate EDI transactions with trading partners and your SAP HANA system. Accelerate your digital transformation using our trusted automation technology and SAP expertise. Our full-service team will ensure ongoing EDI compliance and seamless operations.
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Solve your SAP S/4HANA EDI challenges
End-of-life systems and technical resource limitations can make EDI difficult to manage. Leverage our full-service solution to avoid common challenges like:
- Mapping hassles. Traditional EDI systems require your IT team to develop and maintain custom maps for each trading partner connection.
- Time-consuming tasks. Expert resources are necessary for EDI testing and ongoing EDI maintenance tasks.
- Reporting limitations. Many EDI solutions make it difficult to identify and resolve EDI errors without involvement from your IT team.
- Costly implementation delays. Lengthy EDI implementation projects can put your ERP migration at risk.
- Unpredictable pricing. Billing surprises from your EDI provider can cause budget overages.
Save time and resources with the gold standard SAP HANA solution
Automate and future-proof your business with Fulfillment, a full-service EDI solution that integrates with your SAP S/4HANA system.
Our expert team handles all the legwork to ensure your EDI runs smoothly so you can:
- Eliminate mapping struggles. A single connection to SPS ensures ongoing EDI compliance with all trading partners.
- Gain efficiency and scalability. With Fulfillment, you can automate processes using business rules unique to your organization.
- Save time on data entry and audits. Our solution automatically transfers data into and out of your SAP S/4HANA system.
- Minimize risks and costly errors. Using Fulfillment, you can correct errors before they reach your ERP system.
- Boost visibility across your business. Gain insight into every EDI transaction and document using your Fulfillment solution.
- Leverage fixed and known pricing. Our predictable pricing model helps you stay within budget.
“Our decision to partner with SPS Commerce has resulted in the elimination of our EDI backlog, reduced IT costs, and increased efficiencies in serving our retail customers.”
– SVP of Information Technology, at Callaway
SPS Fulfillment (EDI) for SAP S/4HANA

Proven SAP S/4HANA EDI integration
SPS Commerce is the industry’s most trusted EDI provider with over 600+ SAP customers. Our SAP S/4HANA EDI solution can integrate using IDOC and/or tRFC, and incorporate transaction processes into Status Feedback Loop. Our solution also supports the Apparel and Footwear standard (AFS).
Automate orders across channels
Get all your retail, eCommerce, drop-ship and marketplace orders in one place. With Fulfillment, you can create a single, streamlined process for all of your orders. Plus, you can automate communication about inventory and orders with your third-party logistics (3PL) partners.

Gain efficiency and scalability
Our SAP HANA EDI solution automates many of your existing processes, using and applying business rules unique to your organization. Rely on our solution to save time by automatically extracting, translating and loading data, while also validating and enriching your data.
Boost visibility across your business
Empower staff with the information they need with role-based access. The SPS SAP S/4HANA EDI solution enables users to see every EDI transaction and document, as well as how information is flowing through the system

What are the advantages of SPS Commerce full-service EDI solutions?
Managing ongoing order fulfillment tasks is complex and time-consuming. Full-service providers like SPS Commerce deliver technology and expert staffing to take these responsibilities off your plate. Here’s how we’re different.
SPS manages all trading partner connections on your behalf
SPS Fulfillment is not a toolkit that you have to implement yourself! With SPS, you’ll never worry about EDI, APIs, XML, JSON or other technologies needed to connect with your wholesale, eCommerce or drop-ship trading partners. Just connect once to our network and we’ll take care of the rest!
SPS handles all map changes and updates for you
SPS communicates with your trading partners
SPS proactively monitors your EDI operations and troubleshoots any issues
Automate SAP HANA EDI integration, so you can focus on what you do best.
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Additional SAP HANA EDI Integration Resources
L’Oreal case study
SPS Commerce helps manage ongoing and ever-changing EDI needs for Australia retailers.
Schwabe North America case study
Schwabe uses SPS Commerce Fulfillment for SAP with more than 65 retailers, exchanging more than 175,000 transactions annually.
EDI integration for SAP blog
How does full-service SAP HANA EDI work? Our experts describe special considerations for SAP users.