Woods Distribution

Family-run logistics company looks to the future with SPS


The challenge:

When a key client evolved their approach to inventory data, Woods Distribution Solutions needed to adapt to new standards while growing their business.

The solution:


The result:

Woods Distribution’s adoption of EDI helped them reallocate key personnel plus see time savings from automated processes and more efficient onboarding.

The challenge

Located in Fort Worth, TX, Woods Distribution is a family-owned and -operated warehousing, transportation and logistics business that provides custom solutions to clients that range from small independent businesses to Fortune 500 companies. When Aldi, one of their largest customers, made the move from a legacy ERP to an EDI system, Woods Distribution had to adjust their internal processes to retain a top customer.

To do that, Woods Distribution needed to:

  • Secure an EDI provider that could implement a solution quickly and efficiently.
  • Align timelines to accelerate the opening of new warehouses in their network.
  • Collaborate closely with their EDI provider to continue tailoring 3PL solutions.
  • Show new and legacy customers how Woods is modernizing the onboarding process.

The solution

With a key client moving quickly toward new EDI requirements, time was a factor as Woods Distribution evaluated a variety of potential solutions, but company stakeholders paused their search when introduced to the range of capabilities at SPS Commerce. Leaders at Woods selected SPS Commerce for its unified, full-service approach and reputation as an EDI leader that could implement the right kind of solution for their business—and the right solutions for Woods’ growing network of customers.

During the SPS for 3PLs setup process, Woods’ commitment to custom logistics solutions for their customers led to a strong relationship with the development team at SPS. When stakeholders at Woods asked to tailor their software to better suit their business and deliver more flexibility for buyers, the team at SPS found a way to make the solution fit their needs.

On top of fast implementation times and a highly flexible solution, Woods was compelled by the promise of full-service expertise from SPS that would allow them to focus on big goals without having to get in the technical weeds. With new warehouses coming online and new clients being onboarded, stakeholders at Woods needed extra bandwidth to handle the changes to their growing business and still manage all the details that a migration to EDI brought along.

“That’s been a big part of it; [the SPS team’s] expertise and knowing the correct processes and workflows to use. It’s so much easier for me to go to the SPS team and say what I need and they tell me how to do it. Because I trust [SPS] to do that…SPS has the courage to say how I should really do something, and that’s what I appreciate from my SPS team.”

—Randy Riley, Project Manager

The results

The successful integration of SPS for 3PLs into Woods Distribution’s operations was the catalyst for a new wave of business growth, with 50 new customers being onboarded within the first 6 months. The SPS network has also delivered new avenues of expansion for Woods by connecting the Texas-based business with thousands of other supply chain collaborators all over the world.

Woods Distribution’s move toward EDI has also introduced efficiencies that have allowed them to restructure personnel from warehouse-based positions to customer-facing roles that deepen the relationship with their buyers as they seek to expand into new markets.

As the business looks to the future, leaders at Woods say they’ll keep relying on the expertise from SPS Commerce as they broaden their customer base and aim for a greater foothold across the southwest US.

SPS is one of the best partners, and they’ve done everything they said they would do for us. Our overall goal is to have SPS grow with us and help us roll out these other facilities and markets that we wish to be in.

– Randy Riley, Project Manager

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