EDI 882 - Direct Store Delivery Summary Information

What is the EDI 882? The EDI 882, also known as the Direct Store Delivery Summary Information, is used by suppliers to provide a summary of direct store delivery (DSD) shipments to a retailer.

EDI Documents

EDI 882 format

Visualization of EDI 852 Format

The EDI 882 format includes the following segments: 

ST: Transaction set header.

G82: Basic shipment Information.

G83: Line item detail.

N1: Entity identifiers (e.g., ship to, ship from).

G85: Store details (e.g., number, name, address, city, state, postal code).

SE: Transaction set trailer (e.g., segment count, control number).

How is the EDI 882 used?

The EDI 882 provides a comprehensive summary of shipments being made by suppliers directly to retailer stores. This ensures the store and corporate buyer both know what inventory to expect and how to prepare their shipping bays.


Participants: Suppliers. Retailers.


Components: Products delivered. Quantities. Relevant information


Purpose: Detail and track DSD shipments


Speed of response: It allows carriers to quickly and efficiently communicate their acceptance or rejection of a load, enabling shippers to make timely decisions.

Benefits of using an EDI 882

The EDI 882 offers several benefits, including improved accuracy, enhanced efficiency, better tracking and traceability, cost savings and faster processing.


Improved accuracy: Automation reduces human error, ensuring precise and consistent delivery of information.


Enhanced efficiency: Streamlines the summarizing and reporting process, saving time and manual effort.


Better tracking and traceability: Unique shipment identifiers and detailed line item information improve


Cost savings: Reduces administrative costs by automating delivery information exchange.


Faster processing: EDI transactions are processed quicker than traditional methods, leading to faster reconciliation and payment cycles.

Common issues regarding the EDI 882

Data accuracy and completeness
Preventing inventory and financial errors is essential.
Standard compliance:
It’s necessary to adhere to EDI standards to avoid transaction errors.
Security and confidentiality
Protecting sensitive information with strong security measures is crucial.
Cost and resource allocation
EDI setup and maintenance are resource intensive.
Training and expertise
Staff must be well-trained to avoid errors and inefficiencies.

Automate EDI 882 Direct Store Delivery Summary with Full-Service EDI

Manually updating information can be inherently risky when summarizing the delivery of time-sensitive or perishable goods. Using an EDI 882 to automate this process helps to minimize the risk of potentially expensive manual errors that accompany communication exchanges between suppliers and retailers.

A full-service provider, like SPS Commerce, has an expert team that handles ongoing management of your EDI solution.

SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts.

When we partner with you, we also take ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes on your behalf. SPS Fulfillment proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to prevent errors and minimize data entry. Interested in learning more about our EDI solution?

Additional EDI Resources

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EDI Glossary

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