SPS Commerce honored for gender diversity

by | Jul 31, 2019 | Collaboration, TeamSPS

SPS Commerce was recently named a Winning ‘W’ Company by 2020 Women on Boards for achieving at least twenty percent female gender diversity on its corporate board before the year 2020.

Winning ‘W’ Companies are cited in the 2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB) annual Gender Diversity Index which tracks the numbers of corporate board seats held by women among the Russell 3000 Index.

As of 2018, the percentage of board seats held by women rose to 17.7%, up from 16.0% in 2017. This upward trend represents good progress, but still, half of the Russell 3000 companies have one or no women on their boards.

A strong commitment to gender diversity and inclusion

“SPS Commerce has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion and gender diversity at every level within our company, including our Board of Directors,” said Archie Black, president, and CEO of SPS Commerce.

“Together we are smarter and bring more innovative technology and services to our retail customers. We are honored to have Marty Réaume and Tami Reller on our Board and value the talents and leadership they bring to SPS.”

2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB) is a global education and advocacy campaign committed to building public awareness and momentum towards the goal of achieving at least 20% of all public company board seats to be held by women by the year 2020, the milestone 100th anniversary that commemorates the 19th Amendment, when women won the right to vote.

“We applaud Archie Black and the board of SPS Commerce for engaging the diverse opinions and perspectives of both genders on their board,” said Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO of 2020 Women on Boards. “Studies have shown that the varied perspectives of women are uniquely valuable to corporations and the challenges they face today.”

To learn more about SPS Commerce commitment to gender diversity read this press release to learn more.

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