EDI 824 - Application Advice

What is EDI 824? The EDI 824, also known as the Application Advice, is a formal response to previously sent EDI documents, including, but not limited to, invoices, purchase orders, or shipment documents (753 or 754). Its primary purpose is to inform the sender about the transaction’s status–whether it has been accepted, rejected due to errors or requires further action.

EDI Documents

The EDI 824 format

The EDI 824 serves as a feedback mechanism for any shipping or transaction-related document where there’s a need to communicate about errors, acceptance or rejection. This ensures that all parties involved in the transaction are on the same page and can make necessary adjustments to maintain compliance with each other’s requirements.

The EDI 824 format by SPS Commerce

Here’s a simplified look at what goes into an EDI 824:


ISA and GS: Start of the document

Indicates who it’s from, who it’s to, the date and what kind of document it is.

ST & BGN: Beginning of the message

Marks the start of this specific feedback form and provides a unique number that helps everyone keep track of which specific document is being referenced.

OTI: Report type

Indicates if the document being responded to was accepted or had errors.

TED: Detailed info

If there were problems, this segment details what went wrong or what’s missing.

NTE: Follow-up actions

This part may suggest the next steps, such as “Please resend with the correct total amount.”

SE: End of the message

This wraps up this specific feedback message.

GE and IEA: End of the document

This is the closing part, indicating the feedback form is complete.

How is the EDI 824 used?

Companies use the EDI 824 document to share information about orders, invoices or shipping details.

Here’s how it works:

1. Company A sends a document:
This could be an order for products or an invoice for payment, using a specific format that both companies understand.
2. Company B receives the document:
Their system checks it automatically to ensure that everything is correct according to expectations.
3. If something's wrong:
Maybe some info is missing or doesn’t match what Company B needs. Their system then creates an EDI 824 document, which explains what is incorrect or missing.
4. Company A receives the EDI 824:
Now, they know exactly what the problem is. They can use the document to fix the error, allowing everything to proceed smoothly.
5. Fix and resend:
Company A corrects the issues pointed out in the EDI 824 and sends the revised document back to Company B.

By using the EDI 824, companies avoid a lot of back-and-forth confusion. It’s an easy way to ensure everyone understands each other perfectly, keeping the flow of business as smooth and efficient as possible.

Benefits of using an EDI 824 Application Advice

There are benefits to both the purchaser and the supplier of implementing the EDI Application Advice. Many of these are dependent on how automated and integrated the transaction is for both parties.

Some of the benefits of the EDIFACT APERAK (also known as x12 824 Application Advice) that can be realized include:


Allow the originator of the transaction set to correct inconsistencies in a timely manner, minimizing the impact on time-sensitive applications


Reduce administrative time by eliminating the need to communicate application errors by phone, fax or mailed paper reports


Eliminate data entry errors associated with manual processes

Common issues regarding EDI 824

If you receive an EDI 824 message indicating rejection of your EDI document, you will need to correct the errors that are referenced in the document. Here are common EDI errors that may be communicated via the EDI Application Advice document.


The PO contains a non-numeric value


Invalid vendor number in REF segment


Invoice number is blank or invalid


Invalid invoice date


Invoice total does not equal the detail total


Invalid currency type for the vendor


Invalid warehouse number


Invalid due date

The EDI Application Advice should not be used in place of a business message designed as a specific response to another business message.

Automate EDI 824 Application Advice with Full-Service EDI from SPS Commerce

Managing ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your EDI solution.

A full-service provider, like SPS Commerce, has an expert team that handles ongoing management of your EDI solution so you can prevent EDI errors and chargebacks.

SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts. Our team takes ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes. We actively manage 9,000 changes from retailers each year.

Our full-service team also proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to minimize keystrokes and data entry.

Interested in learning more about our EDI solution?

Additional EDI Resources

Enter a virtual library of information about EDI for suppliers, vendors and distributors to provide you with the product knowledge you need to power your business.

Ultimate List of EDI Transactions

Here are some of the most common documents and transactions that are supported through EDI automation.

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EDI Glossary

Terminology including retail definitions, order management models, supply chain roles, software and distribution channels.

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